Sorry, but The WILD 2024 has been cancelled.

All entrants have been emailed and will receive a 100% refund of their entry fees.


Welcome to New Zealand's trail running Mecca

Arrowtown trail running festival

By runners, for nature

The WILD is organised by the Wild For Nature Trust, established by Kiwi trail runners passionate about protecting the environment we all love to run in. The Trust aims to:

Raise Awareness

Raise awareness of native habitat restoration projects amongst the trail and mountain running community

Encourage Stewardship

Actively encourage participation in returning large tracts of land to their pristine natural state

The Wild for Nature Trust

in partnership with

The Double Beasty - tackle both the Beast of Beetham and the Beast of Brow and become a Double Beast!

It's called The Wild for a reason

Don’t say you weren’t warned!

Come prepared!
As well as some lovely fast-flowing trails you can expect a good dose of slower, rougher stuff too. It is these wilder elements that give the courses their distinctive flavour and provide the extra challenge and reward.

Epic terrain

The WILD courses all have lots of vert, some steep climbs and some rough underfoot (off-trail) terrain to negotiate.

Serious challenge

If exclusively fast, flowing, well-groomed trail is your thing then these might not be for you.

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See if we've answered your question here in our frequently asked questions, otherwise don't hesitate to reach out!

When is the event?

The events and activities that make up The WILD festival of trail and mountain running take place from Wednesday Dec 11th to Sunday Dec 15th. Check out the event schedule for more information.

How much do the events cost?

Check out the entry fees for the full breakdown.

What is The Wild for Nature Trust?

The Wild for Nature Trust has been set up by a passionate bunch of Kiwi trail runners keen to see their favourite running environments restored to the way they ought to be - wild! Learn more about the Trust's mission and how you can get involved here.

What is your refund policy?

We have a sliding scale of refunds that will be payable to participants if they wish to withdraw their entry. The amount you are eligible for depends on when you withdraw. View our Refunds & Transfers Policy for more details.