
Courtney is coming to The WILD!

Courtney is coming to The WILD!

In case you hadn’t already heard our squeals of excitement, here it is in black and white…the world’s #1 female ultra-runner and all round awesome human being, Courtney Dauwalter, is coming to The WILD. And better still she is bringing with her the man who has support crewed for her on so many epic occasions – her husband, and equally awesome human being, Kevin Schmidt.

Courtney and Kevin will be running the V5000 race together on the Saturday and will be in Arrowtown for the duration of the festival. We are particularly excited to host An Evening with Courtney on the Wednesday evening; she is also taking part in our wilding pine working bee on the Thursday afternoon and is co-hosting a 5km fun run with another legend of the Hardrock 100, our very own Anna Frost, on the Friday morning. We may yet persuade her to tackle the Beast of Beetham on Friday afternoon too!

So there you have it – another great reason to enter The WILD and book a few days and nights in Arrowtown during the 6th – 10th December this year. We hope to see you there!

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